Coach Of The Week: Matt Todorov & Michael Gomez!

29 Feb by AJ Murphy

We deeply value the dedication and hard work of all our coaches, their volunteer position plays a pivotal role in shaping the experiences and skills of our players both on and off the court. We want to recognise their efforts, so it’s time for another ‘Coach Of The Week’ shoutout!

Congratulations to this weeks winners, Matt & Michael! You’ve scored yourselves a free Phantoms t-shirt, someone will be in touch shortly!

“Matt is engaging & encouraging to all of the boys he coaches, he creates a fun environment & ensures that teamwork & a love of the game are priority. The boys are lucky to be learning from Matt”

“Matt and Michael are wonderful coaches to these spirited boys! They are patient and kind while helping the boys work on new skills. They are excellent at identifying what skill each individual needs help to develop and they sense when to push the boys and when to back off their guidance. Most importantly they make basketball fun!!”

Want to nominate your coach? Simply head to the following link and fill out the form to place them in the draw!


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