Coach Of The Week: Kate Pattison!

14 Mar by AJ Murphy

We deeply value the dedication and hard work of all our coaches, their volunteer position plays a pivotal role in shaping the experiences and skills of our players both on and off the court. We want to recognise their efforts, so it’s time for another ‘Coach Of The Week’ shoutout!

Congratulations to this weeks winner, Kate! You’ve scored yourself a free Phantoms t-shirt, someone will be in touch shortly!

“I nominate Kate, for her constant dedication to coaching the next generation of players. She doesn’t have a child in the club herself, but this is her third season coaching her nephew. The knowledge Kate has with basketball, is an enormous assets to have at Yarrambat. She has also taken on a young yarrambat player as her assistant coach, to help train up the next group of women coaches. Along with coaching under 10 boys, Kate coaches under 14 rep girls and plays Big V basketball, but still has time to coach the boys in her spare time. Kate’s coaching approach is positive reinforcement, but makes sure the players understand what she is trying to teach. Kate will focus on every child’s individual skill and help improve them individually, but bring them together as team for game day. Watch these 10/4 boys smash it this season under Kate’s coaching!”

Want to nominate your coach? Simply head to the following link and fill out the form to place them in the draw!


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